Tuesday 24 September 2013

Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not ?

Okay so now onto the next blog! (This by the way is blog number ten)Today’s blog is “Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not?” In a parents view, they bought cell phones for their kids so they can get a hold of them in case of emergencies but in a teenagers view the point of their cell phone is to contact their friends so they can be social not only when they are with friends but also when they are at home. Honestly as a teenager I strongly support that students should be allowed to have the usage of cell phones during the school day. (With some limitations)

I know that the school thinks us the teens would just use our cell phones to cheat in a test or to use our cell phones for unnecessary purposes, and they can be right about some students. We’re probably texting our friends instead of something else. Cell phones are also a distraction to our studies. Like I said in the beginning as a teenager I strongly support that we should be allowed to use our cell phones during school but the responsible and right answer is that we teenagers should not be allowed to have the usage of cell phones during the school day.

We don’t even need our cell phones during school hours. The school office has telephones so we can contact our parents if there is any type of emergency. Cell phones are a distraction in class even for those who don’t have or use cell phones and it will disturb the teacher’s concentration during their lectures in class. So what’s the point of having the use to use cell phones in school when it’s just a disturbance in education? I disagree to having students have the ability to use cell phones during school hours. 

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