Tuesday 24 September 2013

If I were to have one super power. What would it be and why?

So now I’m on blog number eleven. Almost halfway done since there is thirty blogs I need to do. Today’s blog is “If I were to have one super power. What would it be and why?” honesty I’m too lazy to do this blog right now but I can’t procrastinate now. Some types of super powers are invisibility, the ability to recall a memory by touching something, teleportation, mind reading, flying, to manipulate time, see through anything and other super powers I can’t think of at the moment but I do more there is more than what I just said.

Okay so if I were to have a super power one of my super powers would be to read people’s minds. Honestly that would be the coolest super power out there. I mean how awesome would it be to know exactly what the person is thinking? To know what they like and what they don’t like. The advantage of knowing that is amazing. To read what they think about you or how they feel about others. It’s a great advantage to also know someone’s strengths and weaknesses. Reading people’s minds can be a cheat since obviously you’ll know what the persons thinking. There could be some disadvantages too. How would reading a person’s mind be? Do we have to concentrate on the person? Do we really need to be near the person to read their mind? Another disadvantage is that what if we don’t want to know what that person is thinking but we have no control it and end up reading or hearing something we don’t like. What if you read your parents minds for example and found out something you shouldn't or would never want to know and you have a new perspective at looking at them. That’s what scares me, it scares me that I might get some new knowledge that I am just not ready to handle yet. Also if I do have the ability to read minds there’s a possibility that someone out there has the same ability to read minds too and I really don’t want someone to have the ability to listen into my deepest thoughts. (Hopefully no one cares to even bother reading my mind)

So if I can’t have the super power to read other’s minds, another super power I would want is to manipulate time. To take control of time as though it was a movie where I can pause, rewind, fast forward, and press play. Who wouldn’t want to control their life? That super power is pretty incredible too. To pause to the moment you want to last, to rewind and fix the times where you regret the most, to fast forward from the pain and go to the happy times instead, to just play and wait to find out where life will take you. A disadvantage to having a super power like this is that if you skip through the pain or rewind and undo the mistakes and take back the regrets we’ll never learn. We won’t grow strong emotionally without the pain and regrets if we did what we wished we could have taken back.

I guess in all super powers there are many advantages and disadvantages in all of them; it’s up to you whether you choose to use them for the better or not. 

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