Monday 30 September 2013

The television has a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone does. Do you agree or disagree?

So today is blog fourteenth and the blog topic is “The television has a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone does. Do you agree or disagree?” I totally agree that the television has a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone does. The television is propaganda. Unlike a telephone (which you can only talk and receive the persons tone), a television is a visual aid and you can hear what others are saying.

The television has a large effect on people because it can be informative, a good or bad influence. For example the television is informative because it has news from parts of the world talking about what’s going on in their country, saying if there is a problem such as a war. Being informative doesn’t have to be about politics either. It can be a cooking network teaching you how to bake cookies, or to cook spaghetti.  The television can also introduce to new and more advanced products. Which is a very good thing; it also shows advertisements about children who can improve in their studies, or something with an educational value, like saying no to cigarettes or a “don’t text and drive” advertisement . Some bad influences is that they can promote types of cigarettes (it’s not only saying no to it but can also promote them by someone else), types of alcohol they sell, they even advertisements on condoms and how durable and good they are, making young children watch this isn’t very good.

As for a telephone the only effect that it has on people’s lives that I can think of is that it helps us communicate with other people throughout the whole world. That’s one of the largest effects that telephones gives in society. So.. Yeah that’s why I think or agree that the television has a greater effect on people’s lives than the telephone does.


Define Success

So blog number thirteen! I have to write 600 words on “Define success”. In Merriam Webster success is defined as the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame. The correct or desired  result of an attempt and someone or something that is successful: a person or thing that succeeds. In The Oxford Dictionary they define success as an accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

To some people success is defined by its amount wealth. The more money a person has the more successful they are in life because they have money to support themselves and their family, making them more successful. To some people success is defined by the amount of respect a person has. To those who think success is from respect it’s because the respect they have is valuable and meaning the respect is power. To others another form of success is from fame. The more fame you have the more success you are. Since you are becoming famous the more you are noticed, the more wealth you have, the more successful you are. You can cause an impact to today’s society.

To me, I don’t define success like that. In my opinion success is defined by the achievement or accomplishment a person has made to get to their aim or purpose. Success shouldn’t be defined by wealth, respect, or fame. For example a poor old farmer can be successful by having a good farm year and selling enough of his wheat or whatever he grows to support himself. Success should be defined as an accomplishment to get to where you want to go.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

My bucket lists

So the topic for blog number twelve is “My bucket lists”. Well first of all if you don’t know a bucket list is basically just a bunch of things you want to do before you die. For this 600 word blog I’m just to list everything I want to do and describe a little why I want to do it. (This is not including me wanting to do the basic stuff, like going to college, getting married, getting a good job, etc. since that’s already what I’m planning to do in life. Lol)
  •   Travel the world; if it is not obvious to why I want to travel the world… the reason I want to travel the world is so I can experience new cultures, to see amazing sites instead of looking at them through a magazine.

  •   To start an orphanage in some parts of the world; before I die I want to do something good in my life other than thinking about myself or only people I care about. I want to open up an orphanage in some of the poorest countries in the world like Africa or Mexico. It is nice to know I can help make a child’s difference by either saving their life or give them hope. Also by making an orphanage everyone around the world can take part and donate food or money. (I can’t run an orphanage alone!)
  •  To publish a book; so not many people know that I like to write. But I do love writing (Even though English is like my semi-least favorite subject) I like writing stories about something painful or tragic that happened. In most of my stories I wrote the main character is usually always the one who gets hurt.
  •  Find a cure for cancer (And why not? It is my bucket list); I’m not planning to become a scientist or doctor in the future but I truly think cancer is so unfair. Life is unfair I know but still. My grandmother has breast cancer for over ten years now and I’m glad she’s holding on! But for those who are still young they having a higher chance to free themselves from cancer. Imagine the world without cancer. It would be one less worry in the world.
  • To climb to the top of Mt. Everest; I’m an outdoor type of person so I do like hiking. I know it is different from climbing up onto snow and to the highest mountain but a challenge is a good thing. 

  •     To get lost in a Pyramid and miraculously find my way out; since I was a kid I love everything about  gypt! The clothing they were in the past, the culture, and the pyramids and to get lost inside a pyramid would be scary but to find my way out by the end of the day without getting harmed would be a miracle! And who knows maybe I might discover something no one has found out yet.

  •  To discover something new; I think society today has mostly figured out mostly everything on land but 80% of the world is made out of water so I might discover some new specie there or maybe the mythical City of Atlantis. 

If I were to have one super power. What would it be and why?

So now I’m on blog number eleven. Almost halfway done since there is thirty blogs I need to do. Today’s blog is “If I were to have one super power. What would it be and why?” honesty I’m too lazy to do this blog right now but I can’t procrastinate now. Some types of super powers are invisibility, the ability to recall a memory by touching something, teleportation, mind reading, flying, to manipulate time, see through anything and other super powers I can’t think of at the moment but I do more there is more than what I just said.

Okay so if I were to have a super power one of my super powers would be to read people’s minds. Honestly that would be the coolest super power out there. I mean how awesome would it be to know exactly what the person is thinking? To know what they like and what they don’t like. The advantage of knowing that is amazing. To read what they think about you or how they feel about others. It’s a great advantage to also know someone’s strengths and weaknesses. Reading people’s minds can be a cheat since obviously you’ll know what the persons thinking. There could be some disadvantages too. How would reading a person’s mind be? Do we have to concentrate on the person? Do we really need to be near the person to read their mind? Another disadvantage is that what if we don’t want to know what that person is thinking but we have no control it and end up reading or hearing something we don’t like. What if you read your parents minds for example and found out something you shouldn't or would never want to know and you have a new perspective at looking at them. That’s what scares me, it scares me that I might get some new knowledge that I am just not ready to handle yet. Also if I do have the ability to read minds there’s a possibility that someone out there has the same ability to read minds too and I really don’t want someone to have the ability to listen into my deepest thoughts. (Hopefully no one cares to even bother reading my mind)

So if I can’t have the super power to read other’s minds, another super power I would want is to manipulate time. To take control of time as though it was a movie where I can pause, rewind, fast forward, and press play. Who wouldn’t want to control their life? That super power is pretty incredible too. To pause to the moment you want to last, to rewind and fix the times where you regret the most, to fast forward from the pain and go to the happy times instead, to just play and wait to find out where life will take you. A disadvantage to having a super power like this is that if you skip through the pain or rewind and undo the mistakes and take back the regrets we’ll never learn. We won’t grow strong emotionally without the pain and regrets if we did what we wished we could have taken back.

I guess in all super powers there are many advantages and disadvantages in all of them; it’s up to you whether you choose to use them for the better or not. 

Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not ?

Okay so now onto the next blog! (This by the way is blog number ten)Today’s blog is “Should SIS allow students to use cell phones during the school day or not?” In a parents view, they bought cell phones for their kids so they can get a hold of them in case of emergencies but in a teenagers view the point of their cell phone is to contact their friends so they can be social not only when they are with friends but also when they are at home. Honestly as a teenager I strongly support that students should be allowed to have the usage of cell phones during the school day. (With some limitations)

I know that the school thinks us the teens would just use our cell phones to cheat in a test or to use our cell phones for unnecessary purposes, and they can be right about some students. We’re probably texting our friends instead of something else. Cell phones are also a distraction to our studies. Like I said in the beginning as a teenager I strongly support that we should be allowed to use our cell phones during school but the responsible and right answer is that we teenagers should not be allowed to have the usage of cell phones during the school day.

We don’t even need our cell phones during school hours. The school office has telephones so we can contact our parents if there is any type of emergency. Cell phones are a distraction in class even for those who don’t have or use cell phones and it will disturb the teacher’s concentration during their lectures in class. So what’s the point of having the use to use cell phones in school when it’s just a disturbance in education? I disagree to having students have the ability to use cell phones during school hours. 

What are three things that would make my life perfect?

Unto the next blog! This is the ninth topic and it is “What are three things that would make my life perfect?” well to me I don’t believe in the word “perfect” there is nothing perfect in the world so the question should be “What are three things that would complete your life?” or something like that. I really don’t know what would make my life perfect other than having no problems. But again there will be a day, a month, and a year where I would encounter something that will trouble me and I need to face it. Whether I want to or not.

Hmmmm three things that would make my life perfect would be… well first off one of them would be never having to worry about expenses or bills that my parents get because of my education, my phone bill, or even for the unnecessary items I want. But then this isn’t a “thing”. So one of the things that would make my life perfect is to have money. That sounds really greedy I know but hey, we all want and need money so might as well add it here. I don’t mind not buying the things I want but as long as my parents have the money to pay for the college I someday hope to go and they could pay for the bills on electricity and financial bills then I’m happy.

Second thing that would make my life perfect is a new cell phone. Preferably I really want an Iphone 4 s. I don’t know I really want a new cell phone other than my own right now which is so small and can’t even get data in it. I really want internet on my cell phone so I could go on kik and Instagram and Twitter and all those other places I can go to. My cell phone right now isn’t as great. I only have 300 minutes worth of calling and unlimited texting. I’d rather have that instead of the unlimited texting.  I seriously want an Iphone4 s.

And lastly the one thing that would make my life perfect is if clothing were free! Omg I know this is so unrealistic but it would make life easier for those who can’t afford clothing. I know that if this actually were to happen all clothing companies would get nothing and all that. But I get free clothes, even like one hundred dollars worth of a jacket. I can get name brands from all over just for free! Chanel, Aero, DC, Element, and others I can’t name at the moment! That would my life way perfect if clothing was free.

So yeah these are the three things that would make my life perfect.

Thursday 12 September 2013

In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree

This is the eight blog topic now. Which the topic is “In the past people were friendlier than we are today. Do you agree or disagree” I actually disagree on this. I mean back then the generation was racist towards blacks, Jews, or anyone like them. They did not support gay marriage because a lot of them were very religious or that they just think only one male and one female should get married rather than having a same sex marriage. Bullying was much more worse than it is today. Also crimes were more rapid and the criminals usually get away with it. So I totally disagree that past people were friendlier than we are today.

But that’s just me. Society today is more social, more online interaction but still. Same sex marriage has become more supportive and bullying has actually decreased over the years. Although in the past mostly everyone knew each other unlike today where the population has increased so we don’t know one another. We see their faces everyday but never bother to say hi or introduce ourselves to make a new friend. But I still think that people today are friendlier. Also racism hasn’t been much of a problem anymore. But in today’s society I think we should learn to open up to random people and just take the time to get to know each other. But then again “Stranger danger” so be careful with the people you decide to make a friend with!

So yeah I think that’s all I have to say, I just disagree that in the past people were friendlier than we are today :P  

Who is your favorite super hero?

I think this is my seventh blog now. Today’s blog is “Who is your favorite super hero”. Honestly to me a superhero is someone who inspires you to do something good in the world. A super hero is somewhat of a role model. Since super heroes save the world from mutated monsters or mechanical killing devices. Except they keep their identity to protect themselves from enemies. Okay so here’s my favorite super hero J 

My favorite super hero is Spiderman. He is the most realistic on to become a super hero, unlike the hulk, elastic man, invisible girl, or any other mutated super hero. As a kid Spiderman was the very first superhero movie I ever watched. He got bitten by a spider when he went to the museum then later on the next day we got mutated and could “spit” out webs from his wrists. Somehow the bite of the spider had mutated him to get the characteristics of a spider. Throughout the whole movie he encounters an enemy and he had to do whatever he takes to save the people. “Spiderman” the movie has two other movies after this one.

After a few years later the new version of Spiderman comes out. the movie has the same character names but a different way to the story and different people acting the parts. In this movie Parker’s (That’s his name) father is a scientist and some people were out to get his data on some mutations he was working on, he sent Parker to his aunt and uncles when he was eight I think and the parents never came back until now. At the age of sixteen or seventeen he went to a laboratory to meet with a professor who might help be able to help him locate his father. At the lab a mutated spider bite him (not really different from the first movie) and long story short he gets the girl, and saves the world once again J

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Which Of The Deadly Sins Am I Most Guilty Of?

Whhhooooo prompt number six! Which of the seven sins am I most guilty of? I didn’t know any of the deadly sins except of lust and greed so I searched the rest up seeing what the other five were. The seven sins are greed, gluttony (like greed but with actions instead), lust, envy, sloth, wrath, and pride. I was supposed that sloth is in there since sloth is a form of saying too slow or too lazy. (I didn’t know that was a sin) ugh I have such a bad headache right now and I can’t really focus on writing but I’m actually in the mood to do this blog. I thought of all the sins I broke and which I’ve done more and debated whether I had done sloth or envy and I realized that I’m usually never jealous of anything or anyone is I decided that “Sloth” is probably the most I’m guilty of.

Sloth is another way of saying too slow or lazy at doing something. I’ve always procrastinate with it comes to doing my homework or doing my part of the house chores. I try my best to not do that but it’s become a habit. But I’m not like that anymore. I didn’t even know being lazy is a sin. Haha I’m not really sure why people think this is a sin. I mean I get the lust before marriage, greed (since that is bad), gluttony, envy (in between of this though, since it’s more of an emotion and you can’t control emotions), wrath (also in between since it’s an emotion also), and having too much pride. Those I can understand but being too lazy as a sin? I just don’t get it. I actually don’t think we should have sins since it’s a rule basically and we all break rules some point of our lives.  

Your Favorite Trip

Prompt number five! What is my favorite trip? Well I’ve been to Guam, Hong Kong, and two places in the Philippines. I haven’t been to a lot of places but I’m still am happy I get to travel to a few. My favorite trip was when I went to Guam for a school club. Guam is a great island but I enjoyed it more when I was with my friends.

I went to the Mywave (that’s the name of the club) trip to Guam in 8th grade. I went with four of my friends and we stayed there for a week. We’ve went sightseeing/ate at Denny’s, went to the slingshot, we went to the malls and go shopping, visited two lovers point, the aquarium, a historical park, we visited a high school and University of Guam, Talofofo falls, Tarza water park, and the memorial park. We stayed at Guam’s airport hotel there was a pool there so a bunch of us would sneak out of the rooms and go late night swimming. One day there was a brown tree snake in the teacher’s room and the next morning we found it captivated in a water bottle located beside the pancakes mix in the fridge. (Scared me) over all I pretty much enjoyed my short trip to Guam with some of my closest friends. We took so , much pictures and got to go to many places there. I really enjoyed my time spending it with my friends J