Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Which one book benefited you the most and how?

So today’s prompt is “Which one book benefited you the most and how?” I’ve read many books but I don’t think there is a specific book that benefited me in a big way. I haven’t read any book that benefited me in a big way except maybe textbooks my teacher tells us to read. I’ve read books with personal stories like chicken soup, mystery books, suspense, from romance books. I’m just going to pick a book and say that chicken soup for the teenage soul might have benefited me the most. I’m not just saying one of the books, I meant like all of them. Chicken soup of the teenage soul I,II,III, chicken soup of the teenage soul: the real deal, chicken soup for the teen soup, chicken soup for the college soul and so forth. The chicken soup books are basically just people who tell their stories and it’s all from girls (chicken soup for the teenage soul) and there are some nice poems in there too. The story topics go from relationships, friendships, love, family, life lessons, tough stuff, overcoming obstacles, self-discovery, and just plain growing up in this world.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff: Stories of Tough Times and Lessons LearnedIt taught me many things like don’t fall in love so easily, that love will come at the right time. If you keep arguing with your boyfriend just break up with him. And in friendships if you are arguing we need to sit down and talk about it, don’t keep things to yourself. In the family section I read stories of girls who have been abused, arguments they had with their mothers, girls whose father passed away, the struggle a girl has to make her parents proud of her. In life lessons they talk about bullies, and courage. In tough stuff they can go from getting your first period, finding your place in the world, socializing with people that aren’t good for you. In overcoming obstacles, it’s the same as tough stuff I guess but this time facing them and hopefully getting the best outcome. On self-discovery you get to know a little more about yourself or get to find out more about yourself. I know it can be difficult for some people to believe that they are important in the world and they can be lonely sometimes.  Growing up is just a teenage girl growing up to adulthood and finding her place in the world. Personally it was a touching book to read about others girls who had the courage to share their experiences and to find out that I too had the same problems and are still going to the same problems. It’s comforting that I  am not alone and that I got to read about how they deal with their problems unlike me who hides away from them.. so all the chicken soup for the teenage soul series are the book or well books that benefited me most in life because I can relate to a lot of stories that they have put in there J



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