Wednesday 4 December 2013

What are the three qualities of true friends?

Today’s prompt is “What are the three qualities of true friends” the qualities that true friends should have are loyalty, trust, and acceptance on which you are. True friends are those who are always by your side even if you think you’re all alone in the world. True friends are those who know you so well that they know when you’re lying about something. You can’t lie to a true friend. They would know everything about you. Your dislikes, your secrets, your problems, you name it they would know about it. Friends and true friends are very different. True friends are treated like family.
Loyalty Programs - Making them work
A quality of a true friend is loyalty. True friends don’t betray one another; they are faithful to each other. True friends with loyalty would always be by your side when you are in need of help. I don’t remember a time where someone actually came to save me but I remember a real friend of mine we were having her birthday and we were just relaxing at the basketball court when this girl comes up and starts calling her names. None of my other friends step up and we all knew what this girl was saying is a lie and eventually I got fed up with her and told her to back off because everything she was telling us were lies. I know because I was a true friend and I know she wouldn’t have done the things that girl had said. Eventually the girl left us and we were fine. So if some people think I’m not a true friend well then that’s their opinion on me.

The second quality a true friend should have is trust.  True friends would tell each other everything! Some things that is too personal to tell a random friend or a parent. Trust is hard to get from a person and is difficult to keep, because once you break that trust it is so difficult to get it back. Having trust in someone can also make it that you’re comfortable talking to that person about anything. So yes trust is very important to have to be a true friend. One experience I have is with my best friend. We literally tell each other everything there is nothing we don’t know about each other. I trust her with my secrets and she trusts me with hers. Every time we talk there would be a new piece of story that we would tell each other. She’s a true friend to me.

And lastly a quality of being a true friend is acceptance. A true friend accepts the person you are, maybe in some cases they don’t and that’s fine it’s probably a bad habit they don’t like about you and they just want you to change that so you wouldn’t have to suffer or it’s better to not have that bad habit. Acceptance is important not only for a true friend but also for everyone. I think that everyone should accept the way some people are because it’s just how they are and that’s how they want to be so I think they should leave them alone. Having acceptance in a true friend is also giving the love the person needs. With acceptance and love you can’t ask for a better best true friend. I haven’t found that true friend with these qualities but hopefully I do someday soon. So the three qualities of a true friend is loyalty, trust, and acceptance which leads to love

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