Today’s prompt is “How do I connect to others?” there are
many different ways a person can connect with others for this prompt Mr. Lee is
asking how do we the students connect with other people through technology or
social sites. For me to connect with others I go on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,
Edmodo, Instagram and Skype. J
Okay Edmodo is the least used site that I use for connecting
with others. So an Edmodo is and does look like Facebook but it’s for education
purposes. I started using Edmodo this year because I really wanted to learn
Japanese but my school doesn’t provide any language classes other than
Mandarin. So one day on the high school bulletin I saw a flier talking about
online classes, as I was looking at the list of classes they had I saw Japanese
one! So I signed up for it and one of the requirements was to create an Edmodo
account. So Edmodo is mainly for academic purposes and not only do I use it for
Japanese but there is a Mock trial club I join as well where I am also added
through Edmodo.
I realized these are a lot of places where I connect with
others and it’s all through the use of internet. Tsk. My other use is Instagram
just a site posted photos of you or whatever you like. It’s like a Tumblr I
guess but you can’t reblog it. And lastly I use Skype. Skype is a video calling
place where you can call and video chat with anyone who has Skype and can get
access to the internet. I use it mainly to video call with one of my best
friend in the Philippines.
So I’ll make this brief. Other than the use of internet I
use my cell phone to connect with others. So yeah these are all the sites,
devices, and etc. that I use to connect with others all over the world and in
our very tiny island Saipan J
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