Thursday 12 December 2013

What I believe about? Justice

Today’s prompt is “What I believe about? Justice” for those of you out there who doesn’t know what Justice means its:
Justice n. The principle of moral or ideal rightness; conformity to the law; the abstract principle by which right and wrong are defined; a judge. – Webster’s Dictionary
Now if you still don’t know what that means… well then I just have to “dumb it down”. Lol Justice means getting what you deserve. Such as if you commit a crime the justice would be to be put in jail. Justice “to do the right thing” I hope you get it now. I don’t think my meaning of it is any good though. So Mr. Lee explained for a while what justice is and he said the following:
1.       Authority (because you were told to)
2.       Democracy (everyone is doing it)
3.       Tradition (been passed down)
4.       Rationality
And that justice in this prompt isn’t about what the law says or what is legal it is about what the right or wrong thing is. In this case it is what I the person think is right or wrong not the law.
Fear her, for she's now our enemyEveryone wants their justice. For teachers putting students who, talk in class while the teacher is talking, chews gum in class, is disrespectful, wears hats or shades in class, or sleeps in class, would be put in detention that is their justice. Criminals who broke the law like murdered someone, stole, vandalized, or kidnap would be put to jail, that is the justice for the families or people they did that to. Justice isn’t only for serious crimes it could also be minor things like cheating on a test, students would admit to that until they got caught but if they had any goodness they would do the right thing and tell the teacher if they cheated or better, not cheat.

I’m not sure what to right now about justice since I think I summed up everything and explained about justice. But I’m only at two hundred plus words and I still need four hundred more to go. So I must keep typing till I reach that six hundred word haha. Hmm… I don’t have any personal experience on justice, or none that I could think of right now but an old friend of mine a couple of years ago was sent to the juvenile detention place here for being accused of alcohol consumption, when I heard of this I was in shock because from the years I had known her she wouldn’t be stupid enough to drink underage. She even told them that she didn’t take an alcohol, but the police couldn’t determine that because there wouldn’t be any alcohol in her body after a couple of hours of drinking so they couldn’t let her go. Eventually her parents got a lawyer and the lawyer told the judge that it wasn’t possible that she could have drank because… well I’m not really sure what he had said but I’m guessing he stated where she was on the nights of and arrest and maybe a couple days before that, and got witness to support my friend’s statement. In the end she was found not guilty of alcohol consumption and she was set free from the detention. I told you this story because even though she got arrested the justice in here is that she got a lawyer and was heard from her side of the story and not from one side only. 

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