Thursday, 12 December 2013
Three Thigns That Make You Happy (Extra)
Meaning of Life
It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree?
The pros of moving place to place would be you get more
places to see, learn other cultures, experience new things, and meet new
people. So I would rather live in one place than to move around.
what is happiness
The true definition of happiness is whatever you like to do.
Like I said in the beginning, everyone’s happiness is different.
What you believe about Art?
Art can be an inspiration to those and it could be a stress
free way to relax
What I believe about? Justice
Today’s prompt is “What I believe about? Justice” for those
of you out there who doesn’t know what Justice means its:
Justice n. The principle of moral or ideal
rightness; conformity to the law; the abstract principle by which right and
wrong are defined; a judge. – Webster’s Dictionary
Now if you still don’t know what that means… well then I
just have to “dumb it down”. Lol Justice means getting what you deserve. Such
as if you commit a crime the justice would be to be put in jail. Justice “to do
the right thing” I hope you get it now. I don’t think my meaning of it is any
good though. So Mr. Lee explained for a while what justice is and he said the
Authority (because you were told to)
Democracy (everyone is doing it)
Tradition (been passed down)
And that justice in this prompt isn’t about what the law
says or what is legal it is about what the right or wrong thing is. In this
case it is what I the person think is right or wrong not the law.
I’m not sure what to right now about justice since I think I
summed up everything and explained about justice. But I’m only at two hundred
plus words and I still need four hundred more to go. So I must keep typing till
I reach that six hundred word haha. Hmm… I don’t have any personal experience
on justice, or none that I could think of right now but an old friend of mine a
couple of years ago was sent to the juvenile detention place here for being
accused of alcohol consumption, when I heard of this I was in shock because
from the years I had known her she wouldn’t be stupid enough to drink underage.
She even told them that she didn’t take an alcohol, but the police couldn’t
determine that because there wouldn’t be any alcohol in her body after a couple
of hours of drinking so they couldn’t let her go. Eventually her parents got a
lawyer and the lawyer told the judge that it wasn’t possible that she could
have drank because… well I’m not really sure what he had said but I’m guessing
he stated where she was on the nights of and arrest and maybe a couple days
before that, and got witness to support my friend’s statement. In the end she
was found not guilty of alcohol consumption and she was set free from the
detention. I told you this story because even though she got arrested the
justice in here is that she got a lawyer and was heard from her side of the
story and not from one side only.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
What I believe about? Truth
Let me start by saying that today’s prompt is “What I
believe about? Truth” of course telling the truth is important in anything.
Telling the truth gives that person trust in you, in a relationship, with a
family member, teachers, or anyone really. But of course no one can always tell
the truth, we’re only human and we make mistakes. There would be times where we
think it’s best to lie instead of someone hearing the truth. You have been
through it, I’ve been through it, and probably half my classmates been through
it. I believe that telling the truth will help build trust but it is very
fragile and easily broken one tiny lie can ruin everything you have worked for
to earn that trust.
Hmmm I telling the truth is important, that is something you
should know already. I can name a few examples where people told lies to me and
finding them out on my own was way worse than them telling me directly. One
situation is when I found out my boyfriend, my now EX boyfriend had been
cheating on me with some girl at his school. When I confronted him he denied it
and me being me I got evidence to support my statement and he confessed to
everything. We weren’t serious so I wasn’t that hurt but evitable I was hurt
just a little maybe if he had told the truth I wouldn’t be hurt as bad. Telling
the truth can also be a good thing too, and all the good things you can have
from telling the truth is gaining trust from someone.
With parents telling the truth to them can boost up their
trust in you and give you more freedom to go out more or have a later curfew.
Telling the truth to friends would make them consider that you don’t lie and
they can open up to you without them feeling you’d stab them in the back. In a
relationship telling the truth gives trust, and jealously would rarely appear
in arguments. So I highly suggest you tell the truth, but of course that is not
always the case so if you have to lie give a little white lie not a huge one
where you would make matters so much worse.
How do I connect to others?
Today’s prompt is “How do I connect to others?” there are
many different ways a person can connect with others for this prompt Mr. Lee is
asking how do we the students connect with other people through technology or
social sites. For me to connect with others I go on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr,
Edmodo, Instagram and Skype. J
Okay Edmodo is the least used site that I use for connecting
with others. So an Edmodo is and does look like Facebook but it’s for education
purposes. I started using Edmodo this year because I really wanted to learn
Japanese but my school doesn’t provide any language classes other than
Mandarin. So one day on the high school bulletin I saw a flier talking about
online classes, as I was looking at the list of classes they had I saw Japanese
one! So I signed up for it and one of the requirements was to create an Edmodo
account. So Edmodo is mainly for academic purposes and not only do I use it for
Japanese but there is a Mock trial club I join as well where I am also added
through Edmodo.
I realized these are a lot of places where I connect with
others and it’s all through the use of internet. Tsk. My other use is Instagram
just a site posted photos of you or whatever you like. It’s like a Tumblr I
guess but you can’t reblog it. And lastly I use Skype. Skype is a video calling
place where you can call and video chat with anyone who has Skype and can get
access to the internet. I use it mainly to video call with one of my best
friend in the Philippines.
So I’ll make this brief. Other than the use of internet I
use my cell phone to connect with others. So yeah these are all the sites,
devices, and etc. that I use to connect with others all over the world and in
our very tiny island Saipan J
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Which one book benefited you the most and how?
So today’s prompt is “Which one book benefited you the most
and how?” I’ve read many books but I don’t think there is a specific book that
benefited me in a big way. I haven’t read any book that benefited me in a big
way except maybe textbooks my teacher tells us to read. I’ve read books with
personal stories like chicken soup, mystery books, suspense, from romance
books. I’m just going to
pick a book and say that chicken soup for the teenage
soul might have benefited me the most. I’m not just saying one of the books, I
meant like all of them. Chicken soup of the teenage soul I,II,III, chicken soup
of the teenage soul: the real deal, chicken soup for the teen soup, chicken
soup for the college soul and so forth. The chicken soup books are basically
just people who tell their stories and it’s all from girls (chicken soup for
the teenage soul) and there are some nice poems in there too. The story topics
go from relationships, friendships, love, family, life lessons, tough stuff,
overcoming obstacles, self-discovery, and just plain growing up in this world.

A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?
What are the three qualities of true friends?
Today’s prompt is “What are the three qualities of true
friends” the qualities that true friends should have are loyalty, trust, and
acceptance on which you are. True friends are those who are always by your side
even if you think you’re all alone in the world. True friends are those who
know you so well that they know when you’re lying about something. You can’t
lie to a true friend. They would know everything about you. Your dislikes, your
secrets, your problems, you name it they would know about it. Friends and true
friends are very different. True friends are treated like family.
A quality of a true friend is loyalty. True friends don’t
betray one another; they are faithful to each other. True friends with loyalty
would always be by your side when you are in need of help. I don’t remember a
time where someone actually came to save me but I remember a real friend of
mine we were having her birthday and we were just relaxing at the basketball
court when this girl comes up and starts calling her names. None of my other
friends step up and we all knew what this girl was saying is a lie and
eventually I got fed up with her and told her to back off because everything
she was telling us were lies. I know because I was a true friend and I know she
wouldn’t have done the things that girl had said. Eventually the girl left us
and we were fine. So if some people think I’m not a true friend well then
that’s their opinion on me.
The second quality a true friend should have is trust. True friends would tell each other
everything! Some things that is too personal to tell a random friend or a
parent. Trust is hard to get from a person and is difficult to keep, because
once you break that trust it is so difficult to get it back. Having trust in
someone can also make it that you’re comfortable talking to that person about
anything. So yes trust is very important to have to be a true friend. One
experience I have is with my best friend. We literally tell each other
everything there is nothing we don’t know about each other. I trust her with my
secrets and she trusts me with hers. Every time we talk there would be a new
piece of story that we would tell each other. She’s a true friend to me.
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