So I attend Saipan International school, SIS is one of the
few private schools in Saipan. If you know Saipan then it’s in As Lito, if you
don’t even know where Saipan is in the map it’s located in the Pacific Ocean
right beside Guam, Yeah we’re a very small island. I should start by telling
you that the prompt today is “Should SIS have uniforms or not” My school is the
only private school that does not require a school uniform, but everyone in
school talks about whether we should have uniforms or not.

In Middle School I went to Hopwood Junior High and even
though we were a public school we had to wear a uniform. It wasn’t even a uniform
just a shirt representing the school. It was really lame and we even had to pay
for the shirts! It was about $20 some I think. That was bad since it was a
public school that a lot of students could not afford for the shirts and if we
didn’t wear them we would get in trouble by serving
community service at school or something like
that. One thing I like about SIS is that although it is a public school we
don’t have uniforms, that was one of the upsides of me going to that school. I
like the way the school is without the uniforms so, I don’t want any uniforms.
Also if we wear uniforms then students don’t have any way of expressing
themselves through clothing. I’m not saying that girls should wear short shorts
or guys with inappropriate material on their shirts. There would be an upside
to wearing uniforms though and that is we could show how we are proud to be
schooling at Saipan International School. But it’s so nonsense how some people
would say that wearing uniforms would unify students, I mean clothes don’t
bring people together it’s the people themselves if they choose to get along
with other students or not.

With that said uniforms wouldn’t change much except to show
that we are proud to be part of our school. Also what if the material of the
clothing is uncomfortable to wear it can be disturbing, or the fact that we
would have to buy the uniforms because I’m sure the school wouldn’t be willing
to buy every single student a uniform and it can’t be just one, it has to be
five uniforms since we have five days in school, the school would gain if the
students parents had to buy them but omg that would be such a big loss of money
for the students parents since they have to buy the clothing and who knows the
much it would cost.
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