Tuesday 20 August 2013

So today’s blog is my “favorite metaphor of love”. I don’t have a favorite metaphor so I had to search some and find the one that I liked the most. I really don’t want to do this topic because I don’t know what to write about, mostly since its going to have to be 600 words long. Sigh, but I have to do it if I don’t want t fail journalism. (That would be shameful if I were to fail this class lol)So just so you know (if you don’t know yet) a metaphor is a comparison of two unrelated topics. For example a notebook and chocolate. Well since I explained that (not very good) I hope you like my metaphor 

My metaphor of love is “Love is inevitable”.  I chose this metaphor because it is pure logic. Inevitable means unavoidable. So basically it means “Love is unavoidable”. This is very true.  For example a boy and a girl met one day, they spend time with each other and getting to know each other more each day and next thing you know they like each other. Over time their like becomes to love and they are happy. But there are times where one of them starts losing feelings and they will eventually leave and go their separate ways. No matter how heartbroken the person is, one day they will find someone else who they can love and be loved back. (Hopefully more of being loved). So love is inevitable in relationships you just have to have hope.  

Another good example on how love is inevitable is through family. (So I’ll just give a personal experience on this) I love your parents very much, but at times my mom and I would disagree on something and get into a fight. I might’ve said some harsh things to her and she said some back, and we both regret saying them in the end. But at the end of the day we work out a compromise and give our apologizes and slowly getting in a better mood again. What I’m saying is that even when we argue it doesn’t mean I don’t love her and that I can’t ever stop loving her (I mean she gave birth to me!)

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