Thursday 12 December 2013

Three Thigns That Make You Happy (Extra)

Okay so I had to do another prompt, which is finally my last one! And this prompt is “Three things that makes you happy” as a kid I used to find everything I did joyful, even chores around the house, but as I got older those changed. There aren’t many things that make me happy anymore. Happiness doesn’t always have to be the same. Everyone’s view on happiness varies on their meaning of it. Okay so one of the things that makes me happy is spending the time with my family and friends. Whether it’s watching tv, having dinner, playing card games, or just talking. Yes, there are times where I’d rather not hang out with them but they are still my parents and I love them.  I love hanging out with my friends. Either we go and walk around Garapan, having lunch or dinner somewhere, or we just go to each other’s houses. Getting to hang out with the people I care most for makes me happy.

Another thing I do that makes me happy is just being left alone. Sometimes that’s not a good thing for me since I’m left to my own thoughts and I tend to over think or regret a few things but being left alone with myself and my thoughts help me to relax. When I’m alone I either play music, paint, read a book, or just lay down in my bed. Being alone makes me happy. And lastly another thing that makes me happy is cooking. I LOVE to cook or bake. I’m not a professional or anything but I think I cook pretty well. I can make cookies, brownies, cakes, omelet, egg, rice, chicken, baked potato, etc. cooking makes me happy because afterwards I get to eat my creation. So these are the three things that makes me happy J

Meaning of Life

So let me start by saying today’s prompt is “The meaning of life” well what is our purpose to be part of this world anyways? That is the question and I honestly do not know what the meaning of life is. Whether we were put here for a reason or that this whole thing is meaningless. What I believe about the meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. What is life if you’re not happy, if you do not have the freedom to do as you please?

To live is to be happy. So maybe the meaning of life is to be happy. And the definition of happy is whatever you believe to make you satisfied. Being upset, sad, depressed, stressed, angry, hate, etc anything other than happy I don’t think you are living if you feel those things. With unwelcoming thoughts you tend to over think and it will consume you to the point where you think about nothing other than those thoughts. That is not living, that is what I know of. Just be happy and think positive. Then I think that is the meaning of life. To bring love, and happiness in the world because I sure do know that a lot of people all over the world needs that. Of course life is a general thing, and pessimistic thoughts or ideas are part of life and growing up. Just let it go to the point where it consumes you and you wouldn’t be able to get out.

It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree?

Today’s prompt is “It is better to live in one city or town than to move from one place to another. Do you agree or disagree?” I definitely disagree. Why would you want to move from place to place and having to start all over again? Not unless you like doing that then go for it, but I personally think it’s best to live in a city or town rather than having to move place to place.

The pros of living in a city or town are that you wouldn’t have to start over. If you choose to have kids you would know the area well and it wouldn’t be difficult to find the things you need to buy. You’ll hopefully make friends and some might become your closest friends. if you move from place to place you’ll make friends but you’ll only be with them for a short time so what’s the point of making a friend if you move place to place. The cons of living in just one area is that you might get bored of where you are. Knowing every corner of your home, doing the same routine. Eventually you’ll get bored and you’ll wish to move to somewhere else but at the end of the day you will miss it and visit often, maybe even decide to move back. I live in Saipan, it’s a small island, and I know mostly where everything is. I know the good places to eat, where to go shopping, etc. I love this island but I want to get out of here as soon as possible. That’s one of the reasons I can’t wait for college. I made so much good friends, and I made many memories here but I tend to get bored having no new excitement. (Oh! Except yesterday when someone told me Justin Bieber’s private plane stopping by Saipan for gas LOL I repeat the plane not Justin though) but even though I want to get out of here I know that one day I’ll miss Saipan and eventually visit my family and friends who choose to stay there.

The pros of moving place to place would be you get more places to see, learn other cultures, experience new things, and meet new people. So I would rather live in one place than to move around.

what is happiness

Today’s prompt is “What is happiness?” happiness is defined in different ways by different people. We (you and me) might not have the same happiness that comes to mind. Some people can find happiness in reading, drawing, sleeping, going to school, staying home, playing video games, socializing, surfing the web, being alone, and others that I can’t think of right now. Some people can find happiness in school or going to school. Maybe that’s why some people became teachers because they enjoy educating others. Some people would think that being healthy would is a sign of true happiness. The meaning of happiness is to have the safety of oneself because without being healthy and being safe then what is the point in living. There are so much people in the world where they have poor and difficult lives I’m lucky to have a roof under my head and my parents are feeding me. Being healthy I can go to school and not get sick so often so I wouldn’t have to miss school just because I was sick.

To me having happiness in my life is very rare. Happiness to me is that I want people there for me. I don’t want to be lonely anymore I just want to be loves and know that someone has my back. I’m not talking about my parents for them I just want space from but I need someone a friend or anyone that I know will always be there. Or this quote which is “I want to be alone, but not lonely” I think that happiness is hard to come by because we always think about the bad things in life. We don’t realize the simple good things that we have. We don’t appreciate it because it would always be there and we take them for granted. For example my parents put a roof on my head and buy food for me so I won’t go hungry. But because this comes so easy to us and we often take them for granted.

The true definition of happiness is whatever you like to do. Like I said in the beginning, everyone’s happiness is different.

What you believe about Art?

Today’s prompt I have to write six hundred words about what I believe about art. Art can mean many different things depending on what type of person you are. I believe that art can be inspiring to those, it can be stress free, making art can bring out the creative side in you. When I was eight years old I loved to draw and paint. My mom enrolled me to a take art classes with a famous artist here in Saipan. I learned different techniques by using pastels, watercolors, acrylic, oil pastels, and charcoal. When my mom could no longer afford to pay for my classes my teacher lowered the class price for me because he said I had potential and he wanted me to learn more and to keep drawing. I stayed in his class for a couple more months until he moved to Capitol Hill where he was too far away for me to attend his classes so I had to stop. I never stopped drawing though. I don’t draw much realistic drawings anymore but I draw more of doodles and cartoons. I use my art to express who I am because words are not only enough. I don’t draw and show off to people though; I really hate showing people what I draw. But I keep them all in my room. I haven’t been doing anything art related recently just because I haven’t had so much free time I used to.

So I believe that art is a good way to express oneself. Many famous art works inspire some people. Someone could be inspired on the painting Mona Lisa, American Gothic, The scream, The Kiss, The Persistence of Memory or even the famous Vincent Van Gogh starry night. To some, art is a way of bringing faith, hope, and love back into their lives. Or even just bring back some sort of meaning into their lives. If you’re not inspired by art then maybe you’re just there to enjoy paintings that are up for you. To marvel at the work people from had made many centuries ago.

Art can be an inspiration to those and it could be a stress free way to relax

What I believe about? Justice

Today’s prompt is “What I believe about? Justice” for those of you out there who doesn’t know what Justice means its:
Justice n. The principle of moral or ideal rightness; conformity to the law; the abstract principle by which right and wrong are defined; a judge. – Webster’s Dictionary
Now if you still don’t know what that means… well then I just have to “dumb it down”. Lol Justice means getting what you deserve. Such as if you commit a crime the justice would be to be put in jail. Justice “to do the right thing” I hope you get it now. I don’t think my meaning of it is any good though. So Mr. Lee explained for a while what justice is and he said the following:
1.       Authority (because you were told to)
2.       Democracy (everyone is doing it)
3.       Tradition (been passed down)
4.       Rationality
And that justice in this prompt isn’t about what the law says or what is legal it is about what the right or wrong thing is. In this case it is what I the person think is right or wrong not the law.
Fear her, for she's now our enemyEveryone wants their justice. For teachers putting students who, talk in class while the teacher is talking, chews gum in class, is disrespectful, wears hats or shades in class, or sleeps in class, would be put in detention that is their justice. Criminals who broke the law like murdered someone, stole, vandalized, or kidnap would be put to jail, that is the justice for the families or people they did that to. Justice isn’t only for serious crimes it could also be minor things like cheating on a test, students would admit to that until they got caught but if they had any goodness they would do the right thing and tell the teacher if they cheated or better, not cheat.

I’m not sure what to right now about justice since I think I summed up everything and explained about justice. But I’m only at two hundred plus words and I still need four hundred more to go. So I must keep typing till I reach that six hundred word haha. Hmm… I don’t have any personal experience on justice, or none that I could think of right now but an old friend of mine a couple of years ago was sent to the juvenile detention place here for being accused of alcohol consumption, when I heard of this I was in shock because from the years I had known her she wouldn’t be stupid enough to drink underage. She even told them that she didn’t take an alcohol, but the police couldn’t determine that because there wouldn’t be any alcohol in her body after a couple of hours of drinking so they couldn’t let her go. Eventually her parents got a lawyer and the lawyer told the judge that it wasn’t possible that she could have drank because… well I’m not really sure what he had said but I’m guessing he stated where she was on the nights of and arrest and maybe a couple days before that, and got witness to support my friend’s statement. In the end she was found not guilty of alcohol consumption and she was set free from the detention. I told you this story because even though she got arrested the justice in here is that she got a lawyer and was heard from her side of the story and not from one side only. 

Sunday 8 December 2013

What I believe about? Truth

Let me start by saying that today’s prompt is “What I believe about? Truth” of course telling the truth is important in anything. Telling the truth gives that person trust in you, in a relationship, with a family member, teachers, or anyone really. But of course no one can always tell the truth, we’re only human and we make mistakes. There would be times where we think it’s best to lie instead of someone hearing the truth. You have been through it, I’ve been through it, and probably half my classmates been through it. I believe that telling the truth will help build trust but it is very fragile and easily broken one tiny lie can ruin everything you have worked for to earn that trust.

Fear her, for she's now our enemyLike I said in the beginning of this blog that giving a lie can easily break the trust that person has in you. And it’s true. Metaphorically speaking trust is like a beautifully decorated glass item. Inside is filled with love and purity. Purity as in no one has tainted it lies, or anything hurtful. You look at that glass item so fragile. So fragile that it could break in your hands that’s how trust is. Once that glass has dropped it is shattered into a million pieces unable to be repaired. So this metaphor is just saying that trust is fragile and that it could break with just one lie. Whoever you lied to would get hurt and they would feel betrayed and shattered. Of course trust is an emotion not a glass item so it can be fixed, little by little. It will be difficult but if you love that person or even care for them you will work to gain their trust back and if they care for you they will learn to eventually forgive you. The relationship would not be the same there might be some barriers blocking that would be difficult to break down but just keep going on. You can earn that trust back just don’t give up. But the degree of the lie can make it more difficult for you.
justice ext
Hmmm I telling the truth is important, that is something you should know already. I can name a few examples where people told lies to me and finding them out on my own was way worse than them telling me directly. One situation is when I found out my boyfriend, my now EX boyfriend had been cheating on me with some girl at his school. When I confronted him he denied it and me being me I got evidence to support my statement and he confessed to everything. We weren’t serious so I wasn’t that hurt but evitable I was hurt just a little maybe if he had told the truth I wouldn’t be hurt as bad. Telling the truth can also be a good thing too, and all the good things you can have from telling the truth is gaining trust from someone.
With parents telling the truth to them can boost up their trust in you and give you more freedom to go out more or have a later curfew. Telling the truth to friends would make them consider that you don’t lie and they can open up to you without them feeling you’d stab them in the back. In a relationship telling the truth gives trust, and jealously would rarely appear in arguments. So I highly suggest you tell the truth, but of course that is not always the case so if you have to lie give a little white lie not a huge one where you would make matters so much worse.

How do I connect to others?

Today’s prompt is “How do I connect to others?” there are many different ways a person can connect with others for this prompt Mr. Lee is asking how do we the students connect with other people through technology or social sites. For me to connect with others I go on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Edmodo, Instagram and Skype. J

twitter logoTwitter is a social blogging site in a way where you can voice out your thoughts, or go fangirling on your favorite singer (Mine is Austin Mahone ;)) Twitter is a great place to make new friends and to interact with others. And there’s this Retweet button where you can retweet the quote or whatever the person typed down and that can be on your account as well, with retweeting you know you’re not alone and that there are other people out there you can relate to.

LogoWell we all know Facebook, Myspace used to be the “go to site” until Facebook appeared after that Myspace just died out. Facebook is not only a social site to go on but also you could message family members and see how they are doing and message friends for homework. You can make a group page for extracurricular activities, classes, or just for your friends. For Facebook you can also post pictures of family trips and selfies. You can go through other people’s profiles and press the “Like” button if you do like it.

Tumblr logoNext social site I visit to is Tumblr!!! I love Tumblr. So basically what Tumblr is, is a site where you can blog or post photos and gifs that you like. I blog a lot maybe I’m on my 10,000 reblog but that’s not as much as a tweet, which would be like 21,000 tweets. In Tumblr  for me there isn’t much interaction but I can see that a lot of people can feel the same way I do if the notes (you get that if you press the heart icon) are a large amount.

Okay Edmodo is the least used site that I use for connecting with others. So an Edmodo is and does look like Facebook but it’s for education purposes. I started using Edmodo this year because I really wanted to learn Japanese but my school doesn’t provide any language classes other than Mandarin. So one day on the high school bulletin I saw a flier talking about online classes, as I was looking at the list of classes they had I saw Japanese one! So I signed up for it and one of the requirements was to create an Edmodo account. So Edmodo is mainly for academic purposes and not only do I use it for Japanese but there is a Mock trial club I join as well where I am also added through Edmodo.

I realized these are a lot of places where I connect with others and it’s all through the use of internet. Tsk. My other use is Instagram just a site posted photos of you or whatever you like. It’s like a Tumblr I guess but you can’t reblog it. And lastly I use Skype. Skype is a video calling place where you can call and video chat with anyone who has Skype and can get access to the internet. I use it mainly to video call with one of my best friend in the Philippines.

So I’ll make this brief. Other than the use of internet I use my cell phone to connect with others. So yeah these are all the sites, devices, and etc. that I use to connect with others all over the world and in our very tiny island Saipan J

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Which one book benefited you the most and how?

So today’s prompt is “Which one book benefited you the most and how?” I’ve read many books but I don’t think there is a specific book that benefited me in a big way. I haven’t read any book that benefited me in a big way except maybe textbooks my teacher tells us to read. I’ve read books with personal stories like chicken soup, mystery books, suspense, from romance books. I’m just going to pick a book and say that chicken soup for the teenage soul might have benefited me the most. I’m not just saying one of the books, I meant like all of them. Chicken soup of the teenage soul I,II,III, chicken soup of the teenage soul: the real deal, chicken soup for the teen soup, chicken soup for the college soul and so forth. The chicken soup books are basically just people who tell their stories and it’s all from girls (chicken soup for the teenage soul) and there are some nice poems in there too. The story topics go from relationships, friendships, love, family, life lessons, tough stuff, overcoming obstacles, self-discovery, and just plain growing up in this world.

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff: Stories of Tough Times and Lessons LearnedIt taught me many things like don’t fall in love so easily, that love will come at the right time. If you keep arguing with your boyfriend just break up with him. And in friendships if you are arguing we need to sit down and talk about it, don’t keep things to yourself. In the family section I read stories of girls who have been abused, arguments they had with their mothers, girls whose father passed away, the struggle a girl has to make her parents proud of her. In life lessons they talk about bullies, and courage. In tough stuff they can go from getting your first period, finding your place in the world, socializing with people that aren’t good for you. In overcoming obstacles, it’s the same as tough stuff I guess but this time facing them and hopefully getting the best outcome. On self-discovery you get to know a little more about yourself or get to find out more about yourself. I know it can be difficult for some people to believe that they are important in the world and they can be lonely sometimes.  Growing up is just a teenage girl growing up to adulthood and finding her place in the world. Personally it was a touching book to read about others girls who had the courage to share their experiences and to find out that I too had the same problems and are still going to the same problems. It’s comforting that I  am not alone and that I got to read about how they deal with their problems unlike me who hides away from them.. so all the chicken soup for the teenage soul series are the book or well books that benefited me most in life because I can relate to a lot of stories that they have put in there J



A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?

personalityToday’s prompt is “A person’s look or clothing is more important than having good ideas to succeed. Do you agree or disagree?” I think the person’s ideas are way more important than the person’s clothing. Sure, our first impression of someone is usually by how they look or how they are dressed but we determine that by their personalities.  But hopefully a person does not judge just by the way another person might be dressed or how they look like.

more successPeople should start examining people’s ideas rather than only looking at the clothing other’s wear. Looks and clothing don’t define a person, if your personality is a bad person no amount of nice clothing or for girls make up is going to fix you of your bad personality. Maybe the reason why some people judge by the clothes other’s wear is because clothing is a sense of fashion; clothing is a way to express yourself without having to tell people. If you dress to the up to dare fashion, look professional, or just dress nicely people would think you have your things together, you’re going places. If you dress poorly, let’s say some slippers, ripped jeans, and a dirty shirt…well they wouldn’t look at you the same way they looked at the well dressed person. That’s why I think that a person’s ideas are more important and should be viewed more than what the person is wearing or what he or she looks like.

what to wear with gray hairIf a person has good ideas they can succeed in the future and buy whatever clothing they want. I know that I might have the same view as others but honestly do you think dressing up is more important than actually having the brains for it? Having the ideas, in the future would get you the things you want and maybe it’s not that professional look, but hey who am I to judge you of your fashion. Clothing is just a way in express oneself. When you apply for a job and go into an interview that do you think they would prefer, someone who is wearing a professional outfit or someone who isn’t? I don’t see a person in this world where the looks and clothing got them someone but there are so many people with their creative ideas that got them famous. They could have been poor before they got famous so they couldn’t afford much and I’m guessing that clothing was the last thing on their minds. But look what their intelligence and creativeness did for them, with that they can buy whatever they want. Decorate themselves any way they want. Now see isn’t intelligence much better than the clothing you wear. But I’m not here to judge your opinion and mine might not be the same but I hope you agree with me at some points. If you look at magazines do you see a person you don’t want to see or someone you want to see? In newspapers does the governor or president look unprofessional? In anything those that become famous and are well dressed is because that have either the intellect of a great person or they have the talent to be a somebody. 

What are the three qualities of true friends?

Today’s prompt is “What are the three qualities of true friends” the qualities that true friends should have are loyalty, trust, and acceptance on which you are. True friends are those who are always by your side even if you think you’re all alone in the world. True friends are those who know you so well that they know when you’re lying about something. You can’t lie to a true friend. They would know everything about you. Your dislikes, your secrets, your problems, you name it they would know about it. Friends and true friends are very different. True friends are treated like family.
Loyalty Programs - Making them work
A quality of a true friend is loyalty. True friends don’t betray one another; they are faithful to each other. True friends with loyalty would always be by your side when you are in need of help. I don’t remember a time where someone actually came to save me but I remember a real friend of mine we were having her birthday and we were just relaxing at the basketball court when this girl comes up and starts calling her names. None of my other friends step up and we all knew what this girl was saying is a lie and eventually I got fed up with her and told her to back off because everything she was telling us were lies. I know because I was a true friend and I know she wouldn’t have done the things that girl had said. Eventually the girl left us and we were fine. So if some people think I’m not a true friend well then that’s their opinion on me.

The second quality a true friend should have is trust.  True friends would tell each other everything! Some things that is too personal to tell a random friend or a parent. Trust is hard to get from a person and is difficult to keep, because once you break that trust it is so difficult to get it back. Having trust in someone can also make it that you’re comfortable talking to that person about anything. So yes trust is very important to have to be a true friend. One experience I have is with my best friend. We literally tell each other everything there is nothing we don’t know about each other. I trust her with my secrets and she trusts me with hers. Every time we talk there would be a new piece of story that we would tell each other. She’s a true friend to me.

And lastly a quality of being a true friend is acceptance. A true friend accepts the person you are, maybe in some cases they don’t and that’s fine it’s probably a bad habit they don’t like about you and they just want you to change that so you wouldn’t have to suffer or it’s better to not have that bad habit. Acceptance is important not only for a true friend but also for everyone. I think that everyone should accept the way some people are because it’s just how they are and that’s how they want to be so I think they should leave them alone. Having acceptance in a true friend is also giving the love the person needs. With acceptance and love you can’t ask for a better best true friend. I haven’t found that true friend with these qualities but hopefully I do someday soon. So the three qualities of a true friend is loyalty, trust, and acceptance which leads to love

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The greatest Strength of human

Today’s prompt is “What is the greatest strength of human?” when I think about a person’s strength I don’t think of it physically more of emotionally, more of what they would do to get what they want saying a person’s willpower. I wasn’t sure how or what to write for this so some classmates and I asked Mr. Lee what he thought the greatest strength of a human is and in the word of Mr. Lee he said that intelligence and adaptability is the greatest strength of a human. The more I think about it the more I agree with him.

One of the greatest things of being a human is that we can adapt to our surroundings. Unlike a snake where they are put into a cold temperature they cannot adapt and eventually they would die, unlike humans if we were put into cold weather we simply just wear a jacket to keep us warm. Being able to adapt to our surroundings is a great advantage and is one of the many strengths of a human being. I know Mr. Lee didn’t mention this but another strength would be will power. Will power is also very powerful just as adaptability. With will power some people, if they choose to, will stop at nothing to get what they want. With it we can accomplish anything we desire. The will power of a person is so strong that they will stop at nothing to get what they want. Will power can also help everyone in the world. Will power can make machines and new technology to help make everyday life easier.

And lastly and I think most importantly the greatest strength of a human being is their intelligence. A person’s intelligence can do so much in the world and for them. Without the brain we are nothing. Our brains help us to create new technology to help our imagination run free so we can make our dreams become a reality. What are you if you don’t have the intelligence? Having a brain full of knowledge is a gift that shouldn’t be taken for granted. So those are what I think to be the greatest strength of a human being.  I hope you agree with me!!

Monday 28 October 2013

Big school or small school

So today’s prompt is “big school or small school“ from head start through eighth grade I went to a public school, and by the time I was in middle school I had nearly forty classmates in one classroom and once I reached high school and went to SIS, a private school. I went from forty classmates to thirty classmates. It was quite an adjustment for me but I learned to deal with it. I think it really depends on whether you’re comfortable with a large majority of students or a small majority and if “school” is elementary, high school, or a college.

Going to a big school has its upsides and downsides. Some upsides to going to a big school is that since there are many students, you can meet new people who later might become some of your closest friends. Going to a big school would mean that there are many students from all over the world and you can learn their cultures and languages if you want to. Going to a big school means that there are more electives, classes, which you could choose from giving more opinions on what you want. Some downsides on going to a big school however is that there is not much of a student-teacher interaction or help because there would probably be more than thirty students in a class and the teacher would not have enough time to help to every students needs.

Just like a big school, there are also upsides and downsides to a small school. The upsides of going to a small school are that the student-teacher interaction is good. The teacher would definitely have more time for the students than a teacher from a big school, there would be closeness between them and that’s good.  Also having a small selection of students lets you get to know every student much better since a big school has so many students it would be difficult to try to know every single one of them. The downsides of going to a small school though is that since there are few students there would probably be few electives/classes to choose from and you might be stuck in a class you don’t even want to be in.

To me it really doesn’t matter whether you’re going to college or going starting high school, I prefer going to a big school. In my eyes there are better opportunities in a big school and I I’ve had most of my life in a big school and I still want to go to a big school. My reasons are all up there from what I typed down, so yeah, big school in my opinion are way better than small schools.

What are things that I would teach and not teach to my children? How would my children do differently?

Let me start by saying that today’s prompt is talking about “What are things I would teach and not to teach my children? How would my children do differently?” I’m only sixteen so I haven’t actually thought of my future children. The only thing in the future I’m thinking of right now is finishing high school and getting into a good college, but after reading this prompt and giving it a lot of thought I did think of what I want my children to be brought up like. Children in this generation and so spoiled compared to those in the past, sad or well not that sad to say that my generation is one that are spoiled. Or at least for me, my parents spoil me too much.
It’s not that bad to be spoiled, or spoiling your children but there’s a certain limit. They need to learn things the hard way and on their own, parents aren’t there forever and if they don’t start learning now they would be so lost once they have grown up. Maybe by the age of thirteen kids should learn things for themselves and parents are just there to help guide them, telling them the right from the wrongs.

Okay so the most number one thing I want my children to learn is having respect to everyone and show proper manners. I don’t care how old the person is I want them to be respectful. I see children maybe seven or eight years old and their screaming at their parents just because something doesn’t go their way and in the end the parents do what the kid wants, that’s not right. The parents should be having control over their kids and if they don’t then something like that would happen. If my kid screams at me in public I’m so going to punish him when we get home. Lol I might not be a perfect daughter, I admit that. But I try, I literally can’t concentrate in school. I always procrastinate and give assignments late. That’s one of the many things I hate about me and I really don’t want my kids to get into that habit. So as much as possible I want them to have a good education and to not procrastinate in assignments. I’ve been through that and if I could I would want to start over my high school.

I want my kids to make the right choices, I know they there would be times where they make mistakes but I hope they can learn from those mistakes and not do them again and again. I also want them to be friends with the right people, people that would support them, inspire them, people who would be there for them. True friends. I don’t want people who would be bad for them like those who do drugs, drink, don’t pay attention in school. Those type of people are what I don’t want my kids to be associated with but I shouldn’t be in control on who they want to hang out with I just hope they can realize it for themselves before it’s too late and someone gets hurt. 


Should SIS have uniforms or not?

So I attend Saipan International school, SIS is one of the few private schools in Saipan. If you know Saipan then it’s in As Lito, if you don’t even know where Saipan is in the map it’s located in the Pacific Ocean right beside Guam, Yeah we’re a very small island. I should start by telling you that the prompt today is “Should SIS have uniforms or not” My school is the only private school that does not require a school uniform, but everyone in school talks about whether we should have uniforms or not.

In Middle School I went to Hopwood Junior High and even though we were a public school we had to wear a uniform. It wasn’t even a uniform just a shirt representing the school. It was really lame and we even had to pay for the shirts! It was about $20 some I think. That was bad since it was a public school that a lot of students could not afford for the shirts and if we didn’t wear them we would get in trouble by serving  community service at school or something like that. One thing I like about SIS is that although it is a public school we don’t have uniforms, that was one of the upsides of me going to that school. I like the way the school is without the uniforms so, I don’t want any uniforms. Also if we wear uniforms then students don’t have any way of expressing themselves through clothing. I’m not saying that girls should wear short shorts or guys with inappropriate material on their shirts. There would be an upside to wearing uniforms though and that is we could show how we are proud to be schooling at Saipan International School. But it’s so nonsense how some people would say that wearing uniforms would unify students, I mean clothes don’t bring people together it’s the people themselves if they choose to get along with other students or not.

With that said uniforms wouldn’t change much except to show that we are proud to be part of our school. Also what if the material of the clothing is uncomfortable to wear it can be disturbing, or the fact that we would have to buy the uniforms because I’m sure the school wouldn’t be willing to buy every single student a uniform and it can’t be just one, it has to be five uniforms since we have five days in school, the school would gain if the students parents had to buy them but omg that would be such a big loss of money for the students parents since they have to buy the clothing and who knows the much it would cost.

If I could bring back one person from the dead, who would he or she be and what would I serve for dinner?

So today’s prompt is “If I could bring back one person from the dead, who would he or she me and what would I serve for dinner?” I had to think for a while about who I would like to bring back from the dead since there’s not much people I know who is that that I want back. I was debating whether to have Queen Elizabeth since I idolize her or my grandfather from my mom’s side. I decided that I would rather bring back my grandfather from the dead. He passed away just a couple months ago, I think it was some type of heart attack in his sleep so it’s a good thing that he died while he slept, it must have been peaceful. I’m Filipino so we called him “Tatay” which is dad in Tagalog. I feel bad that I don’t know much about him. The first time and now my last time I got to see him I was just eight years old, I’m sixteen now so that was nine years ago. I think he was fifty some years old but November. I want him to be brought back to life because even though I wasn’t close to him my mom would tell me stories about him telling me how great of a man he was and that even though they are poor he tries his best to save money and buy gifts for my grandma. I think that’s pretty sweet J he passed away leaving everyone in the family in grieve, mostly my grandma. It’s good that she’s handling things without him, she’s a strong person, but it would be nice to have him back in their lives.
Hmmm… if he actually comes back from the dead, I would serve him anything he wants. But what would people who came back to life would want to eat?? Since he’s Filipino I would probably guess he would want something like fish or some meat? Er I’m don’t even know what kind of food he likes, wow I’m such a bad granddaughter… uhm if he comes back from the dead and since I don’t know what he would actually want to eat I’ll have to ask him and he can go eat at Jhem’s or The Elegance, both a well known Filipino restaurant in Saipan lol and probably get some dessert, since dinner is never complete without dessert! But if he wants to try something new I all for it. I go take him to some other restaurants maybe get some pizza, or pasta, some Cha, haha, fresh lumpia from Wild Bills, anything he’s up to try. While we have some dinner we could catch up on some things that I don’t know about, maybe he can tell me some stories that he did at my age. But it would be hard to communicate with him since he speaks very little English and a lot of tagalong and I can understand and speak very little tagalog. My understanding is much better than my speaking though. I grew up in Saipan and only been to the Philipines twice, both when I was young, English was my first language so I don’t know very much as I think I should.
Okay so back to the prompt, I would really like to bring my grandfather back from the dead so could catch up with him and see my grandmother smile knowing he’ll be back in their lives. J