Wednesday 20 November 2013

The greatest Strength of human

Today’s prompt is “What is the greatest strength of human?” when I think about a person’s strength I don’t think of it physically more of emotionally, more of what they would do to get what they want saying a person’s willpower. I wasn’t sure how or what to write for this so some classmates and I asked Mr. Lee what he thought the greatest strength of a human is and in the word of Mr. Lee he said that intelligence and adaptability is the greatest strength of a human. The more I think about it the more I agree with him.

One of the greatest things of being a human is that we can adapt to our surroundings. Unlike a snake where they are put into a cold temperature they cannot adapt and eventually they would die, unlike humans if we were put into cold weather we simply just wear a jacket to keep us warm. Being able to adapt to our surroundings is a great advantage and is one of the many strengths of a human being. I know Mr. Lee didn’t mention this but another strength would be will power. Will power is also very powerful just as adaptability. With will power some people, if they choose to, will stop at nothing to get what they want. With it we can accomplish anything we desire. The will power of a person is so strong that they will stop at nothing to get what they want. Will power can also help everyone in the world. Will power can make machines and new technology to help make everyday life easier.

And lastly and I think most importantly the greatest strength of a human being is their intelligence. A person’s intelligence can do so much in the world and for them. Without the brain we are nothing. Our brains help us to create new technology to help our imagination run free so we can make our dreams become a reality. What are you if you don’t have the intelligence? Having a brain full of knowledge is a gift that shouldn’t be taken for granted. So those are what I think to be the greatest strength of a human being.  I hope you agree with me!!